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Edem joins Da Hammer, Kwaw Kese to endorse Nduom

Call it the revolution of the new age as the leader of the Last 2 music group Hammer leads a team of celebrities and young people for change in favor of Dr. Paa Kwesi Ndoum.

In recent times we’ve had celebrities declaring their stand for a political parties hence it is not new when Edem, Kwaw Kesse and Hammer of the last 2 did same via social media for Dr. Papa Kwesi Ndoum.

In a recent instagram post by Kwaw Kesse and Edem they disclosed that they are throwing their weight behind Dr. Papa Kwesi Ndoum.

Edem wrote on instagram saying: ‘I was speaking with the Hammer and I think we should try a new person for the job…. Dr Nduom…. Has done amazing things alone.’

Kwaw Kesse also endorsed the flag bearer of PPP on instagram writing: ‘Da’ hammer has convinced me… Ghana let put Dr. Ndoum in office’.

As for the legendary producer and talent manager Da Hammer he has countless times on social media thrown his weight behind Dr. Paa Kwesi Ndoum hence his declaration is not new.

But think about it for a minute, if we have tried two parties continuous why don’t we as young people try another party and a new man for a change.

Why can’t we pull a TRUMP CARD this election year because that will wake up our true democracy?

Now that Hiplifer Edem and Kwaw Kesse have endorsed Dr. Paa Kwesi Ndoum we are waiting to find out who will be the next.

Incase you decide to vote for Dr. Ndoum this election year, he is number 4 on the Presidential ballot box.

Be AWAKE for change is coming, join the revolution

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